Read… Study… Collaborate
The library offers spaces for comfortable reading and quiet study in a variety of settings, plus rooms for collaborative work. You can check out a variety of useful tools, from adapters and battery packs to umbrellas, or print your papers on the first floor.
Welcome to Fondren Library! This short video introduces you to Fondren’s spaces, departments and services. You’ll see places to study, record a podcast, check out books, and get expert help from library staff. Watch this quick tour, then keep reading for more information and links to library services.
Study Rooms
Reserve your own study room for group work, presentation practice or web conferencing.
Quiet Study Spaces
In most of the library, quiet conversations are okay. These maps show the areas where silence is expected.
Did you know the library has a vending machine in the 4th floor lounge? Do you know about our food policy?
DMC Spaces
Reserve the Digital Media Common’s audio or video and photography studio through the study room reservation system. Students can also reserve the DMC Multipurpose Room, great for workshops, group meetings and presentation practice, by emailing dmc-info@rice.edu.
Study Carrels and Lockers
Graduate students and faculty can reserve study spaces and lockers for a semester.
6th Floor
Check out the ultimate Fondren quiet space with panoramic views on the sixth floor. Rice ID-holders only.
Key Service Points
Staffed anytime the library is open, this desk near the West entrance is where you can check out books and media, pick up study room keys and books on reserve, and ask for general library help. They’ll even lend you an umbrella or a battery charger– see the Borrowing Equipment page.
Get expert help searching and using library resources. Visit us near the first floor computers; contact us by email, phone or text; or use our online question form.
Text 713-487-6912
Kelley Center
Visit the basement for help finding government information, including data sets, patents, trademarks, policies, regulations, reports, legislation, maps, and more. Also check here if you want to use the microform readers! See the full list of services.
Digital Media Commons (DMC) Tools
The DMC’s available tools include video cameras, tripods, projectors, microphones, tablets, Nikon and Canon cameras, power adapters, and more. Reserve your equipment through Fondren Library OneSearch following these DMC borrowing instructions.

Black-and-white, color, and thesis-paper printers are located in the first floor lobby. For most purposes, use printers Fondren1 and Fondren2. For a full list of available printers, see here.
How to Print
Print from your student account in the Fondren computer lab on the first floor. For further information, see OIT’s Printing page.
Scanners are available on Fondren 1st and 3rd floors, the Woodson Research Center, and the Business Information Center. See scanner information at the bottom of this page.